Michaelmas, as it is observed in Waldorf schools, is the “festival of courage”. Michael, the archangel who inspires courage, is associated with this festival time. Through the inspiration of this angelic being, the lowly peasant, George, was inspired to persevere, though the odds were stacked against him, to complete a daunting task, slaying the “dragon”. Our Michaelmas festival includes a performance of the St. Michael play, freshly pressed apple juice and a campus-wide clean-up.



Our parents transform the campus into a magical land featuring fairy-tales, fables and fun filled activities. The theme is around each classes curriculum and you will often find Roman or Medieval games, an interactive ship, a maze and scavenger hunt. Food and drinks are available for purchase. We ask for a $5 donation per family. This is open to the greater community.


The Advent Spiral is a beautiful and reverent tradition at SWS and many Waldorf schools. A spiral is created with greenery and decorated with seasonal objects at one end of the Rawhide building. All in the room sing as one by one, the teacher leads the student into the spiral, where they light their candle and place it along the spiral on their way back out. The Advent Spiral is a representation of us going into the dark times of winter and exploring the darkness within ourselves, finding the light within, and bringing it out into the world.


The first Saturday in December, we host artisan vendors, wreath making, candle dipping and a children’s workshop to make gifts for the holidays. There is also a cake walk, a raffle to win a tiny tree decorated by each class and a toy shop filled with gently used books and toys. Food is available for purchase and we have seasonal live music. This event is open to the greater community.


Usually held the first Saturday in May, we have a vendor area to find artisan treasures, crafts offered from our classes, garland making, and May Pole dances! Food available to purchase from the Blue Iris Cafe. Festivities begin at 10am and the dancing begins at 1:45pm on the lower field. This event is open to the greater community.